Twitter account

Twitter account banned. Now I can’t complete quests. How to change twitter in Venom account


Twitter Authorisation Bug

If you’re experiencing an error “UID is used”, there are a few troubleshooting options:
Logout from (top right)
Try to re-login

If you’re still experiencing Twitter Authorisation issue:
Go to Twitter
Click “More” then to “Settings”
Click “Security and account access” then “Connected apps”
Click “Connected apps”
Select “Venom Foundation”
Click “Revoke app permission”


Hope this helps. However, we can’t do anything aside from that in changing your Twitter profile linked to the account.



Please tell me how else to solve this problem?
Everything you said doesn’t help.


Как в такой ситуации поменять привязку акаунта твитер к кошельку?


This sounds much more like a “you” problem then an “us” problem. If your wallet lacks the functionality to confirm which twitter account its associated with then your developers need to address that.

I have had that issue since the get go. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. Please get us a proper fix or I guess the users with this issue should simply cancel their account.

Hello, i have the same issue my old twitter got shudown for no reason now i try with an other one and get the same error.
Any way to link my new twitter to my wallet?

Hello, I have the same issue - i cant recover my twitter account, so im not able to finish next quests

1 Like

cant revoke
suspend acc no action

Please help us this sol does not work

Sir this sol does not work please help us


Hello. In the second half of last year, I joined your family (venom). Everything would have been fine if I hadn’t encountered a problem. My Twitter account was hacked and subsequently blocked. I can’t unlock it, even though I have full access to it and everything it’s attached to. I have a new Twitter account. I’m not a robot or a bot. I can’t complete the last task in Venom because I have a new Twitter, and the old one is locked without a way to unlock it. Please reply to me with any message that is possible. I want to be in VENOM more and more
Link me: [email protected]

ı have same problem. my twitter account banned becouse of bots. ı cannot chance and cannot compla

te the last mission.

same issue, most projects would solve this but venom simply cant. Testers cant understand why not change the twitter connection~~~

hello, I am facing an issue completing my last task as Twitter in Pakistan is suspended for a few days. please guide to what can be done