Kicked Out From Venom Foundation Discord

I am writing to respectfully request an unsuspension for the member account “balkrishna_40703,” which was suspended due to the reason of “Account Suspicious.”

I understand that maintaining a safe and respectful community is a top priority, and I assure you that there was no intention to violate any rules or disrupt the harmony within the Discord server. “balkrishna_40703” has been a member of this community for some time and has always adhered to the rules and guidelines set by the Venom Foundation.

To provide additional context, it is possible that the suspension may have been triggered by a misunderstanding or an error. I kindly request that you review the account’s activity and consider the possibility of lifting the suspension.

If there are any specific concerns or questions about the account’s activity, I am more than willing to address them and provide any necessary information to resolve the issue. We are committed to maintaining a respectful and compliant presence within the Venom Foundation Discord server.

I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. The prompt resolution of this issue will allow “balkrishna_40703” to continue contributing positively to our community.


Please help me, I am banned from Venom Foundation discord server for sending link on report channel. I didn’t mean it. I just going to report the scammers profile and link of the discord I’d joined after I also joined the airdrop on this scammer posted. I am convinced and all my assets are gone. I find out that this scammer hiding behind a bot mee6 profile. It’s my mistake not checking the profile and link if it’s legitimate airdrop. I am so confidence and because of this I learned a lot. Please help me get back to the Venom Foundation discord server. Thank you and hoping for your kind consideration.

Discord Userid: 728247599710077030
Discord Username: detroitguru

Меня тоже забанили . Ссылку нажал и мало того что мне метамаск обчистили , так еще по всем каналам ссылку кинул спам и я полетел с нескольких проектов и куда стучать что меня еще и обворовали

Веном сначала разобраться надо бывает а потом банить . Я понимаю что вам проще выкинуть человека который все тесты прошел , но это не дело