How can i join the venom foundation's dicord

my wallet address: 0:d32d12e49290fa8d65f3703c5189eb18e364676a8280dd597e154e7074db62a6
I mint all nft’s but still can’t joint for venom foundation discord
My username is Tuarima, and my discord id is tuarima
i hope someone can help me solve this


try this link: Venom Foundation

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You have been kicked! in Venom Foundation!
:profile: Member: tuarima [1131859405126766662]
:rightSort: Reason: Account Suspicious.

i dont know why, only i guess is that my discord is register in 2023.07??


i guess we need to call team to solve this

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thanks bro, If you get it done, please let me know, thank you very much


Got the same

You have been kicked! in Venom Foundation!
:profile: Member: razor7566 [1142199348424347863]
:rightSort: Reason: Account Suspicious.

What could be reason?

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