Difficulty in venom cross chain bridge

hi I am stuck in the Cross-chain bridge Venom Bridge project in Transfer tokens from EVM chains to the Venom section please help


Can you send us a screenshot of the error, please?


Hello, I have the same problem. Stuck on “Release transfer in Binance Smart Chain” step.

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Same thing applicable to me

You have to click the release transfer to proceed on your transaction.

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I actually clicked it many times in different times, that was the first thing I’ve done after I faced this notification. Nothing happens.

bonjour j ai un probleme avec la validation du transfert entre: Transférer des jetons des chaînes EVM vers Venom
la validation ne ce fait pas

Same as i,please need help

You have to have some BNB on your wallet before you can initiate the release ok


svp quel quantité de BNB minimum?

I have tried many times but ended in failure, and the venoms in my wallet still decreases.Maybe there are many bugs in this system.

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