Unable to complete the Bridging task

I completed The first 2 of 4 bridging tasks. It returns that the tasks are completed and took 6 venom to do so only there are 0 venom on BSC!!!

I am Moving on to next task which is swapping…

I love What I see On the platform so far and since this is a test net I thought I would let you know of any problems encountered.

MsDawnCrypto :green_heart::orange_heart::purple_heart:

Subsequently, write your messages in the appropriate sections on the forum What is VenomBridge?

HI! I can’t complete this task. I’m stuck at moving funds from BSC to Venom. On the BSC everything is ok, my tx: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x273cb59ddf70afd4153fa88f091ada24b5f2d55d288f89b88e63e16cab8a2be1 but in the Venom bridge app it stops at Step 3: Transfer checked by relayers, it shows status: Pending all the time, it’s not moving. I made the transaction yesterday, and nothing changed til now.